Sticky Navigation

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A menu that "sticks" to the screen despite scrolling, typically to the top or bottom, that is used for navigating the website.

WHEN I tab through elements on stick nav
AND I do focus on an element
THEN I expect a visual indication of focus,

WHEN I tab through elements on stick nav
AND I do focus on an element
THEN I expect an audio indication of focus,

WHEN I tab through elements on stick nav
AND I tab fully though all elements, I step out of the sticky nav
THEN I expect to focus on to the main page and first element in the viewport,

More Information

Sticky navigation is tricky and probably not ideal as in terms of tab index and focus, it could be difficult for a person with a visual impairment or even a motor impairment to land on the right location outside of the sticky nav.

Helpful Links

description: Sticky Navigations will remain fixed to a certain part of a webpage, giving users access to items in the navigation as they scroll. This is handled the same way as Navigation, please reference the link below. category: complex

Related Acceptance Criteria