Button Icon

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Buttons must be checked to see if they indicate focus. If an icon button has no text, it must provide text to a screen reader. If it is an icon only, a way to present the buttons purpose must be provided by a screen reader. Alt text need nopt be filled in for button that has text and an icon.

WHEN I am navigating using a keyboard.
AND I tab on a button.
THEN I see a visual indicator. AND The focus indicator passes WCAG rule.

WHEN I am navigating using a keyboard.
AND I tab on a button.
AND I am using a screen reader.
THEN The screen reader reads out invisible accessibility text.

Related Acceptance criteria

Must meet button acceptance criteria plus above.

More Information

Buttons MUST meet the following:

  • Have discernible screen reader text [ WCAG 4.1.2 ].
  • Be unique and be able to stand on its own [ WCAG 2.4.4 ].
  • Provide an visual indication they hae focus when in focus [ WCAG 2.4.7 ].
  • Be able to be reached and activated using a keyboard [ WCAG 2.1.1 ].

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